
"The Church has the potential to be the greatest influence on the planet! When the Church is strong the world is blessed, but when she is weak, the world and the purposes of God suffer."


Gracious Father, we pray for Your... Church. 

Fill it with all truth, in all truth with all peace.

Where it is corrupt, purify it; 

where it is in error, direct it; 

where there is anything amiss, reform it.

Where there is right, strengthen it;

where it is in want, provide for it;

where it is divided, reunite it; 

for the sake of Jesus Christ Your Son our Savior.


-The Book of Common Prayer


We are passionate about the Bible.

We know that the word of God is powerful; it is the agent that God has chosen to free and transform humanity, and we love people.


We are praying that God would send men and women to come alongside the message of truth and restoration and carry it to the ends of the earth.


Not only missionaries to foreign fields, but people who will take the gospel into their everyday lives for the sake of the world.
