
What is The Case for a New Translation?


The Case for a New Translation is an introductory work to

Lavender’s New Testament  (LNT).

The Case gives readers a look into the difference a literal translation

makes by comparing LNT with four (4) major translations on

critical texts,

illuminating the original Greek text for the English reader,

while noting serious departure from it.


The Case answers the question, “why do we need another translation?”

The Greek text is the final authority for right thinking

about God, the Person and work of Christ, the nature of salvation

and Christian practice, etc.  

It is vitally important that we have a reliable English translation.

We want everyone to experience the 

accuracy of Lavender's New Testament, a literal translation.


We invite you to come and see the difference. 

Here are some examples from The Case for a New Translation :

(Click to enlarge)

What is Lavender's New Testament?


Lavender’s New Testament (LNT) is a literal translation

of the Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text  (1995).

The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language

as inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Because of this,

it has been our effort to do a literal translation, not a stylistic one.


What distinguishes LNT from other translations is its

faithfulness to the underlying text, allowing the text to speak by

means of Tense, Voice, Mood, etc. 

The purpose is to give the world a translation of what has been

inspired by the Holy Spirit.  LNT has not hidden the Subjunctive Mood,

as has been the constant fault in major English translations where

important doctrinal issues are at stake (See examples

in The Case for a New Translation pp. 52-54).


LNT has footnotes throughout to help the English reader

better understand the grammatical significance of the Greek text.

In the translation and footnotes, careful attention has been given to

Greek terminology with

reference to the Atonement of Christ and salvation issues.

Here is an example from Lavender's New Testament:

 (Click to enlarge)